2022 MCC Bob Brooking Round Robins

Mondays from 7th of November to Monday 19th December (7 Rounds)

Enter and view current entries (Tornelo page)

Where: Melbourne Chess Club, 66 Leicester Street, Fitzroy

Round 1: Mon 7 Nov, 7.15pm
Round 2: Mon 14 Nov, 7.15pm
Round 3: Mon 21 Nov, 7.15pm
Round 4: Mon 28 Nov, 7.15pm
Round 5: Mon 5 Dec, 7.15pm
Round 6: Mon 12 Dec, 7.15pm
Round 7: Mon 19 Dec, 7.15pm

Format: 3 Round-Robins tournaments (8 players per Round-Robin) + 1 Swiss tournament.
Both the Round-Robins and the Swiss event will be for 7 rounds, ACF & FIDE rated.
Selection into tournament will be based on FIDE rating. The 8 highest rated entrants will be the field for the top Round Robin (RR1), the next 8 highest rated entrants will be the field for the second Round Robin (RR2), and so on.
If a player does not have a FIDE rating then ACF rating will be used.
Unrated players will be put in the Swiss tournament subject to the arbiter's discretion.

Entry dates
Players in the top 2 Round Robins (RR1 and RR2) must enter by Saturday 5 November 2022. This is to allow the pairings for these Round-Robin tournaments to be set before Round 1.
Players in RR3 or in the Swiss may enter up to Monday 7 November 2022.
Late entries to the Swiss before the release of pairings for round 3 may be accepted subject to the arbiter's discretion.

Rating cap on prize eligibility of late entrants
If due to late entry a player in RR3 or the Swiss has a rating that exceeds the rating of the third lowest rated player in RR2 or RR3 respectively by 100 or more points, that player shall not be eligible for any prize.

Players in the Swiss tournament only may take up to two half point byes for rounds 1-5.

Time controls
For RR1: 90 minutes + 30 seconds per move
For RR2, RR3 and Swiss: 75 minutes + 30 seconds per move

Forfeit time of 30 minutes from published start time.

For each tournament:
1st: $200
2nd: $100
(Additional prizes may be offered in the Swiss if entries are sufficiently high).

Brilliancy prize (across all tournaments):
$40 voucher from MCC bookshop.

Entry fees
$70 Full Member, $60 Concession / Junior Member (add $15 for Non-Members).
Early bird discount of $10 if paid by Tuesday 1 November.
Club member GMs/WGMs, IMs/WIMs & FMs/WFMs free. GMs/WGMs and IMs/WIMs not resident in Victoria free.
If you want a round 1 bye you must have have fully paid your entry to be paired. Refunds are available if notified 24 hours before the event.

Organiser: Thai Ly (0421 912 296, melbchessclub@gmail.com).
Arbiter: Alexei Khamatgaleev (0426 731 726, lehak10@hotmail.com).
Results/draw: On this Chess Chat thread.
Further Questions: Contact us at melbchessclub@gmail.com or contact tournament organiser.

Register Online:
Click here to enter