Melbourne Chess Club (MCC) regrets to inform that the 2021 MCC Edwin Malitis Memorials (both the Major and Minor tournaments) have been cancelled.

This decision was made in light of the projected continuation of the Victoria Government's COVID restrictions.

Currently, all OTB (over-the-board) activities at MCC are suspended until further details of the restrictions that will be imposed as Melbourne transitions out of lockdown. Over the next few weeks, MCC will processing refunds of entry fees to all players who have entered and paid.

 2021 Edwin Malitis Memorials (Cancelled)

Major Open Category: FIDE & ACF Rated, 90 minutes + 30 seconds time control

Minor Open Category : ACF Rated Only, 60 minutes + 30 seconds time control (players capped at ACF rating of 1600)

Tournament Page Major Open Category (Current entry list, entry form)

Tournament Page Minor Open Category (Current entry list, entry form)

(Current entries listed under Standings at left)

Where: Melbourne Chess Club, 66 Leicester Street, Fitzroy, VIC

Capacity: 80 players maximum (May change in accordance with current MCC COVID protocol. Be sure to enter early!)


Round 1: Mon 12 July 7.15pm (Major & Minor)

(Lockdown delay)

Round 2: Mon 2 August 7.15pm (Major)

(Lockdown delay)

To Be Advised

Entry Fees: Major – $65 Full Member, $55 Concession/Junior Member, Minor – $60 Full Member, $50 Concession/Junior Member
GMs/WGMs and IMs/WIMs free if entered by Saturday 10th July

Early Bird: $10 early bird discount if paid by Saturday 10th July.

Format: 7 Round Swiss.
Major Open Category: FIDE & ACF Rated, 90 minutes + 30 seconds time control

Minor Open Category : ACF Rated Only, 60 minutes + 30 seconds time control (players capped at ACF rating of 1600)

Prizes: Please note these are provisional depending on the number of entries.

1st: $500
2nd: $300
3rd: $200

1st: $400
2nd: $250
3rd: $150

Rating Prizes (for both Major & Minor)
The amount of rating prizes and number of rating groups are to be confirmed.

Brilliancy Prize (across both Major & Minor tournaments)
$40 book voucher at club bookshop.

Forfeit Time: 30 minutes after published round start time

Chief Arbiter: Alexej Khamatgaleev (0426 731 726,

Organiser: Thai Ly (0421 912 296,

Ratings: The Major Open will be FIDE and ACF rated, the Minor Open only ACF rated.

Entry: Online via Tornelo (Major Open) or Tornelo (Minor Open) or in person at MCC.

Payments: By credit card (for online entries) or cash at MCC or to the tournament organiser.