2021 Melbourne Chess Club (MCC) Championship
(Note: Due to COVID restrictions, the final rounds are being played from 21st June onwards)
Enter and view current entries (via Tornelo page)
(Current entries listed under Standings menu at left)
All players must be current MCC members to enter
2021 MCC Membership applications/renewals: 2021 MCC Membership Trybooking Page
9 Round Swiss Tournament, ACF and FIDE rated
Time Control
90 minutes per game + 30 seconds per move
Forfeit time is 30 minutes after the published start time
Entry Fee
$85 Full Member, $75 Concession/Junior Member
Early bird discount of $10 if paid by Saturday 17th April
GMs/WGMs, IMs/WIMs, and FMs/WFMs titled Members free
If you want a round 1 bye you must have have fully paid your entry to be paired
Refunds are available if notified 24 hours before the event
Round 1: Mon 19th Apr, 7.15pm
Round 2: Mon 26th Apr, 7.15pm
Round 3: Mon 3rd May, 7.15pm
Round 4: Mon 10th May, 7.15pm
Round 5: Mon 17th May, 7.15pm
Round 6: Mon 24th May, 7.15pm
Round 7: Mon 31st May, 7.15pm
Round 8: Mon 7th Jun, 7.15pm
(No round on 14th Jun due to Victorian Open)
Round 9: Mon 21st Jun, 7.15pm
Byes: Up to two half point byes for rounds 1-7
Prizes (provisional)
$2700 prize pool
1st: $1000
2nd: $500
3rd: $300
Rating group 1: 1st-$200 & 2nd-$100
Rating group 2: 1st-$200 & 2nd-$100
Rating group 3: 1st-$200 & 2nd-$100
Unrated group: Free MCC tournament entry
Brilliancy prize: $40 book voucher at club bookshop
The event will be ACF and FIDE rated.
In Chess Chat tournament discussion thread
Tournament Organiser
Thai Ly (0421 912 296 or melbchessclub@gmail.com)
Alexej Khamatgaleev (0426 731 726 or lehak10@hotmail.com)